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Textron Inc. (NYSE:TXT) leverages its global network of aircraft, defense and intelligence, industrial and finance businesses to provide customers with innovative solutions and services. Textron's brands include Bell Helicopter, Cessna Aircraft, Kautex, Lycoming Engines, E-Z-GO and Greenlee, among others.
Textron, TXT, Textron Inc., Textron Jobs, Bell, Bell Helicopter, Helicopters, SkyBOOKS, Skybooks, McTurbine, V-22 Osprey, Tiltrotor, Cessna, Cessna Aircraft Company, Aircraft, Airplanes, Planes, Jets, Business Jets, Citation, Sovereign, Mustang, CJ, Textron Systems, AAI, Overwatch, Textron Defense Systems, Military, Weapons, Defense Contractors, Lycoming Engines, Industrial, Kautex, Fuel Tanks, Fuel Systems, CWC, Greenlee, Greenlee Utility, Construction, Electrical, Tools, Tempo, Fairmont, Klauk