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Newsfile Corp. - SEC EDGAR Filing Agent, SEDAR Filing Agent, SEDAR and
EDGAR Filing Service, XBRL Taxonomy and Detailed Note Tagging ("DFN") Service
Located in Sunnyvale, CA, Vancouver, BC, and Toronto, ON, Newsfile Corp., an SEC EDGAR filing agent and SEDAR filing agent, provides knowledgeable and convenient SEC EDGAR filing services, XBRL taxonomy and detailed note tagging services (DFN), and SEDAR filing services for reporting issuers.
xbrl service,xbrl services,detailed note tagging,detailed footnote tagging,dfn,year two xbrl,edgar filing,sedar filing,edgar filing agent,sedar filing agent,edgar filing services,sedar filing services,edgar filing service,sedar filing service,edgar filing agents,sedar filing agents,edgarization services,edgarizing,edgarize,conversion,vancouver,toronto,canada,british columbia,ontario