Terms of use

    § 1 - Definitions
  1. Registered user – an individual person, legal person or an organizational unit, which after registration procedures has access to the Service through an appropriate username and password
  2. Guest (unregistered user) - a individual person, legal person or an organizational unit that uses the available features on the site without registering
  3. Registration procedure - a procedure that allows to obtain the necessary link to activate your account on the Site. Registration is done by entering your e-mail address, password, and accept the rules.
  4. The owner - a company Jaroslaw Krawczyk, based in Olsztyn, 10-410 Olsztyn, St. Lubelska 43a, NIP PL5821172035.
  5. Service - Internet service available at
  6. Regulations - the regulations that define the terms of service.
    § 2 - General
  1. service allows users to analyze traffic on selected web pages.
  2. Use of standard services (Free Account) offered by the is free.
  3. The detailed scope of functionality of the Service complies with description available on the subpage
    § 3 - Terms of Use
  1. Minimum technical requirements, which enable you to use the have a device with Internet access, have a program used to browse the Internet (browser), have electronic mail (e-mail)
  2. Use the all services offered by requires pre-registration by entering your email address, which is the login name of the user account, and password in the registration form located here:
  3. Registered user receives activation link, which has been sent to e-mail address provided at registration. Activation of link allows to use all of free services offered by
  4. The user of the free account can have only one account.
  5. is authorized to discontinue service, or its individual components, for users who: - Violate the law and / or the provisions of these Regulations; - Work against or other users of the;
  6. reserves the right to make changes in the rules and on the website, its operation, in particular to change the features, fees, and restrictions on particular types of accounts, and to remove or reduce the possibilities of user accounts if these charge a lot of
  7. About introduced changes in the regulations and site, the registered user will be informed by e-mail to the e-mail address provided at registration form. Information will include the changes made in the regulations and the uniform text.
  8. In accordance with Article. 10 of the Act of 18 July 2002 about the provision of electronic services, as amended, the user who accepted the rules in registration procedure and shared the e-mail address identify him, agrees to receive any information (advertising information too).
    § 4 - Resignation
  1. Use of free account is indefinite, the user has the right to give up access to the site and its services at any time. Delete of your account is available at:,settings,delete_account.html
  2. Removal the data provided at registration (at the request of the User), makes further provision of services becomes technically impossible and is equivalent to the removal of the user account.
    § 5 - User Applications
  1. Users can notify to the Site Administrator any questions and bug reports, using the contact form on the sub-page http://
  2. The notification should include the electronic address of the applicant and a detailed description of the problem. Applications that meet the above requirements will be processed within 14 days from the date of receipt by the
    § 6 - Final
  1. In matters not covered by these Regulations, the provisions of the Act on Electronic Services of 18 July 2002 (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 144, item. 1204) and the Act on the protection of certain electronically supplied services based on, or consisting of, conditional access of 5 July 2002 (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 126, item. 1068), and the Act on the Protection of Personal Data of 29 August 1997 (ie - Dz. Laws of 2002, No. 101, item. 926 ) and the Civil Code shall apply.
  2. The law applicable to all legal relations arising from these Terms and Conditions are governed by Polish law. Any dispute will be settled by the Polish courts.