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Fontsmith, from Jason Smith and Phil Garnham. A UK based font foundry, designers of corporate typefaces, fonts, logos, and logotypes. Unique and exclusive typeface library available online. Typographic Identity specialists, consulting and implementation of typographic brands. Fonts include FS Albert, FS Albert Pro
FS Albert font, jason smith, phil garnham, fontsmith,FS Albert 5 weights and 70 languages. downloads, FS Albert Font Download, Free Download. FS Albert, Albert Font Download, Free Download. FS Albert typography, type design, fonts, corporate fonts, custom type, logotypes, typographic identity, font technology, postscript,FS Ingrid, Ingrid, FS Rome, Rome, true type, hinting, open type, font embedding, exclusive type library, type, typeface, type consultants, bespoke fonts, font design, corporate